Educational Tool
First have the students read the appropriate article in the magazine before initiating a Learning Activity. Then use the associated Teacher Guide and Worksheet(s) to study the issue/concern/lesson involved. The format of the Teacher Guide is:
Summary, which identifies the key concepts discussed
Discussion, which raises pertinent questions you pose to your students as a group
Project Ideas, which includes discussion topics, individual and group activities, and homework assignments that are based upon each article. These are provided as suggestions to enhance student learning and are not meant to be limiting in any manner.
Potential Test Questions, which, after the students read the article, are asked to ascertain reading comprehension and learning. Space will be provided for students to write responses, and responses can be turned in for grading.
Additional Challenges, which poses issues/questions/activities that motivate the student to dig deeper into the topic and make decisions about what they read/did
Glossary Words, which provides helpful definitions for the important terms used in the article.
The Worksheets are provided to test out/work out/think out some of the concepts raised in the Learning Activity, putting “an idea into practice.”